Prayer - More than sufficient rain for farming communities in New South Wales and Queensland.
Luke 9:18 - 27
Jesus tells His Disciples what sort of Messiah He is
He wants us to remember that He wants us to be of like mind to Him.
Jeremiah 29:10 - 14
Baptist Word Aid testamonials
God's plan for poverty
vs 11
A lost and broken people
Shalom - a word filled with the peace and promises of God.
His plan is not just about us.
Jeremiah 5:26 - 29
Israel had become just like other nations
Jesus was the revolution
He has more for us. (More than a Christian version of Consumption. The same objects, just with Bible Verses on them.)
Matthew 26:11
Misquoted! - Context: The woman with the alabaster jar.
Deuteronomy 15:11
Opportunities to be Open Handed
A life of significance, as part of God's Plan.