Church notes - June 2018

Jun 24, 2018 15:03

June 3
Mark 4:26 - 28

Wild Stories About Jesus - Mark 4:26 - 29:

2 Corinthians 5:14, 15

Growth is Wonderful
Whatever limitations you have don't have to stay here.
Mark 4:26 - 29
Refer back - Mark 4:3 - 8
vs 26
Spiritual growth is continual
Are we growing to be more mature? More like Jesus?
vs 27
Confidence in the growth
The growth of the Kingdom of God in our lives is also a mystery.
1 Corinthians 3:6

Prayer, saying encouraging words,
If the plants are healthy, they grow. Healthy Churches grow. Maintain health, read the Word daily, praying daily, fellowship regularly.

vs 28
vs 29

Joel 3:13
Revelation 14:14 - 16
A picture of judgement

God gives the increase.

Be Encouraged
Harvest will be accompanied by judgement.

10th June


Praise God.

1 Timothy 1:15, 16

Repent - Confess your sins.

1 Timothy 1:17

Ask - Bring the needs of others and yourself to Him.

Yeild - Listen to, and Obey Him.

Isaiah 52:1 - 10

Gospel - Share the Good News

Isaiah 52:1 - 10
Zion - Something had happened that they were free and holy, reconciled to God.
vs 6
God saw the slavery and misery of His people and gave a promise that they would be free.
vs 7
A picture of Good news, salvation and victory.
vs 8 - 10
Good News

Wake up to the Good News
They Sing!

Romans 10:14, 15

Beautiful Feet
The ability to go anwhere to share the Good News.
Are your feet Beautiful, or are they sidestepping opportunities?
Good News
- Jesus took the punishment we deserved.

Romans 1:16

17th June 2018
Psalm 30

2 Corinthians 5:21

Romans 8:1 - 4

Luke 10:38 - 42, 14:1 - 14, 22:14 - 16
We need to take our seat with the Lord
He wants us to be in relationship with Him.

Mark 4:30-34
The Parable of the Mustard Seed
Small things growing into big things
Discouragement happens

Mark 10:35 - 45
James and John misunderstood the Kingdom of God

Those against the Church - as the Jewish Religious Leaders and the Romans opposed the Disciples (and the New Church) then, so do the Media, Politicians and the Politically Correct oppose the Church now.

vs31, 32
The Mustard Seed - considered the smallest of seeds
Small beginnings don't mean small endings
Small doesn't mean insignificant.
What are the mountains you have to face?
Psalm 126
Romans 8: 28 - 38

There are challenges, but the promise of Jesus is that with Him we can overcome them.

24th June 2018
Mark 12:1 - 12
Parable of the Tenants
Life is different to what you want it to be.
Parable - Story that allows the listener to discover something
Meaning - The Son has come to claim what the owner rightfully expected
The religious leaders rejected this
They had took part of God's word they liked, but rejected His authority.

(Four years before a return on the investment)
The Landowner - God
Vineyard - God's people
Tenants - religious leaders
Servants - Prophets
The Son - Jesus

Isaiah 5:1 - 7
God provided everything for His people but they rejected His authority and did their own thing.

The religious leaders had been neglectful of leading Israel in the way God wanted them to.
Jesus exposed this in their eyes.
A theme of God's disappointment with His people.
We are also under the spotlight. We also have rejected parts of God's message. Have you rejected God's words to you?

The religious leaders had the esteem of the people, but Jesus was threatening this

- Is valued highly
- Are we resentful of what God wants taking it up?

A firm word of judgement
vs 9

The leaders should have recognised that the Messiah had come.
God's judgement
- Loss
- Will He give the responsibilities and gifts to others?
- We need to listen to Him, and obey.

He was saying "I am the Messiah", but they planned to kill Him.

God sent many prophets and more opportunities to change. Thus He showed His Grace.

A pathway of forgiveness - by the Cross.
We need to recognise His Grace fully.

Hebrews 13:15, 16

all age service, parable of the mustard seed, gospel of mark, beautiful feet, truth hidden in plain sight, mark 4, mark 12, church, isaiah 52, parable of the growing seed, parables, parable of the tenants

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