Church notes - 17th June 2018

Jun 17, 2018 16:23

Psalm 30

2 Corinthians 5:21

Romans 8:1 - 4

Luke 10:38 - 42, 14:1 - 14, 22:14 - 16
We need to take our seat with the Lord
He wants us to be in relationship with Him.

Mark 4:30-34
The Parable of the Mustard Seed
Small things growing into big things
Discouragement happens

Mark 10:35 - 45
James and John misunderstood the Kingdom of God

Those against the Church - as the Jewish Religious Leaders and the Romans opposed the Disciples (and the New Church) then, so do the Media, Politicians and the Politically Correct oppose the Church now.

vs31, 32
The Mustard Seed - considered the smallest of seeds
Small beginnings don't mean small endings
Small doesn't mean insignificant.
What are the mountains you have to face?
Psalm 126
Romans 8: 28 - 38

There are challenges, but the promise of Jesus is that with Him we can overcome them.

luke 10, luke 22, parable of the mustard seed, gospel of mark, truth hidden in plain sight, psalm 30, mark 10, gospel of luke, mark 4, 2 corinthians 5, church, parables, psalm 126, luke 14, romans 8

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