Mark 4:26 - 28
Wild Stories About Jesus - Mark 4:26 - 29: Communion
2 Corinthians 5:14, 15
Growth is Wonderful
Whatever limitations you have don't have to stay here.
Mark 4:26 - 29
Refer back - Mark 4:3 - 8
vs 26
Spiritual growth is continual
Are we growing to be more mature? More like Jesus?
vs 27
Confidence in the growth
The growth of the Kingdom of God in our lives is also a mystery.
1 Corinthians 3:6
Prayer, saying encouraging words,
If the plants are healthy, they grow. Healthy Churches grow. Maintain health, read the Word daily, praying daily, fellowship regularly.
vs 28
vs 29
Joel 3:13
Revelation 14:14 - 16
A picture of judgement
God gives the increase.
Be Encouraged
Harvest will be accompanied by judgement.