Church notes - 6th May 2018

May 06, 2018 16:53

the bread and juice are just a symbol of the reality of the Cross.
Victory over our sins
Romans 6:23
Colossians 1:13, 14
Victory over our guilt.
All of us have an inner voice that is critical of all we do. Some are true... but.

Hebrews 10:22
Victory over the Devil

Two Questions
Romans 8:31
Satan has become nobody.
Romans 8:35
Nobody can separate us from the victory Christ has acheived.

Mark 2:18-22
Kodak - was unwilling to face change (from film to digital).

Are the rules the right rules?

In Matthew, it clarifies that it was John's disciples asking Jesus why his disciples weren't fasting.
John 3:28 - 30
They had missed the point.

The old and new are incompatible
The old - The Law.
The New - New Covenant

John 16:5 - 16

New Wine - Neos - recent
New Wineskin - Kainos - renewed.
An old heart can't receive this new message, if it hasn't been renewed.

Luke 5:39
A Contrast - people want what they are familiar with, but God was doing something new!

If they weren't to change, they would be left behind.
Judaism had been based on God's desires, but it became filled with Man's traditions.
The same can happen with the New Testament Church.
We need to hear the word of God, and be willing to change. We need to be flexible and hear God's voice.

The right question: 'Are these the rules God wants us to follow?'

john 3, gospel of mark, truth hidden in plain sight, luke 5, gospel of john, gospel of luke, church, hebrews 10, john 16, parables, mark 2, colossians 1, romans 6, romans 8

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