Church notes - April 2018

Apr 29, 2018 15:44

1st April 2018 - Easter Sunday
He is Risen
1 Corinthians 15: 54 - 57

John 20: 24 - 28

Jesus has a great heart for forgiveness.
Forgiveness is not a one time process, it is ongoing.
Matthew 6: 12 - 15
Matthew 18:23 - 35
It is common for use to underestimate our need for forgiveness.
We all fall short of God's Glory.

Ephesians 2:1 - 2
Isaiah 64:6

He asks us to let it go!
Dr. Martin Luthor King Jr. "At the Cross, our burdens of sin fall off and roll away, never to be seen again!"

Revelation 4:10, 11

1 Timothy 1:15 - 17

8th April 2018
Prayer - Broken Hill Baptist - Choosing a new pastor.

John 13:31 - 35
Glory - God's fingerprint. Evidence of His Presence

Colossians 1:15 - 24
In Christ Alone
In Australia - 7% extremely involved in Church

Syncretism - merging belief systems together
Christianity + Some Greek beliefs --> Gnosticism ('Special Knowledge' and a progression of beings bringing one closer to God...)
Paul wanted none of that!
Also in the modern day - Oprah: "There are many diverse paths leading to God"

John 14:6
Acts 4:12

Col 1:15 - 24
1. "He is the image of the invisible God..."
John 14:8 - 12

2. Firstborn over all Creation
3. He is before all things...
4. In Him all things hold together
5. He is the head of the body, the Church.
6. He is the beginning
7. He is... ...the first born from among the dead.

The fullness of God is in Jesus. He is Himself God. He should be followed, worshiped and obeyed.
Everyone who put their faith him Jesus...
vs 20
We are now in a state of peace with God.
Because we have Christ we have victory.

15th April 2018
Colossians 1:23 - 2:5
Rend Collective - Good News:
Starting Soon at Dubbo Baptist Church (9th May) - Alpha:

All barriers between us and God have been taken away.

Colossians 1:25 - 2:5
I rejoice in what was sufferred for you

Last Week:
1. "He is the image of the invisible God..."
2. Firstborn over all Creation
3. He is before all things...
4. In Him all things hold together
5. He is the head of the body, the Church.
6. He is the beginning
7. He is... ...the first born from among the dead.

Colossians 1: 20
Exchanging hostility for friendship. Redeemed and forgiven.

vs 23
A Servant - Busy serving and helping other people
- Serving God's people (not an institution)
vs 24
Paul accepted the cost of suffering so that others would hear the Gospel
Romans 8:18
Philippians 3:10
Paul's example of suffering helps Christians to endure

vs 27
Glory - The influence of God
- We need to understand that is the fingerprint proof of His presence.

2 Corinthians 3:18
1 Peter 1:7
1 Peter 5:10
Part of the Glory includes suffering
Part of the Glory of God is that He suffererd.
vs 1:29, 2:1
Don't discount your labor in the Lord
1 Corinthians 15:58
Nothing that we do in Him ends in vain.

22nd April 2018
Colossians 2:6 - 10
Dance of Relationship, drifting away. e.g. Church at Ephesus
Revelation 2:4
We need to invest in our relationships. Especially with God.

vs 6
Don't drift away.
vs 8
A set of ideas which might rob us of what we have in Christ.
Christ and Christ alone is what we need to have our faith in.
Not Christ and something else!
All 'New Age' philiosphies are centred on Mankind.

We are influenced by outside influences.
vs 6, 7
Continue in Christ, rooted in Him. We need to be built up continually.
vs 9, 10
We have fullness in Christ. We are established in Him.

Col 1:19
Fullness of God in Jesus.

Ephesians 3:17
Ephesians 2:22

vs 10
We are complete in Him.
Christ is bigger than your inadequacies and failings. We are complete in Him, we need nothing more. Jesus has taken everything on Him.
Relational Dance
We need to continue in Him

29th April
Revelation 4:1 - 8

Colossians 3:17 - 4:1
'Living Together'

Can be perceived as an offense.
Not very good when taken out of context.
In Australia there are 900 divorces every week! Dreams shattered and hopes unfulfilled.
We need to make sense of what Paul was saying.
Three different relationships.
Husbands and wives
Masters and Slaves
It doesn't say; 'Wives, obey your husband'.
Submitt - recognise some authority in the relationship.
'As is fitting in the LORD' - recognise that the LORD has greater authority.

vs 19
A husband needs to be loving of his wife. A reciprocal unselfish love. Don't be harsh.
vs 21
Don't embitter children.
vs 22
Follow instruction - a higher authority - the LORD.
vs 23 - 25
Whatever you do.
God is supplying our needs. We are responsible to Him.
The provision should be adequate.

Ephesians 6:8

Ensuring that family relationships are strengthened.
How do I respond when I am under authority.
How do I respond when I have authority.
How do I respond to God's authority.

I will be under authority in a responsible way.

john 20, gospel of john, church, forgiveness, colossians, colossians 2, colossians 3, easter, colossians 1, he is risen

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