Prayer - Broken Hill Baptist - Choosing a new pastor.
John 13:31 - 35
Glory - God's fingerprint. Evidence of His Presence
Colossians 1:15 - 24
In Christ Alone
In Australia - 7% extremely involved in Church
Syncretism - merging belief systems together
Christianity + Some Greek beliefs --> Gnosticism ('Special Knowledge' and a progression of beings bringing one closer to God...)
Paul wanted none of that!
Also in the modern day - Oprah: "There are many diverse paths leading to God"
John 14:6
Acts 4:12
Col 1:15 - 24
1. "He is the image of the invisible God..."
John 14:8 - 12
2. Firstborn over all Creation
3. He is before all things...
4. In Him all things hold together
5. He is the head of the body, the Church.
6. He is the beginning
7. He is... ...the first born from among the dead.
The fullness of God is in Jesus. He is Himself God. He should be followed, worshiped and obeyed.
Everyone who put their faith him Jesus...
vs 20
We are now in a state of peace with God.
Because we have Christ we have victory.