Church notes - March 2018

Mar 30, 2018 17:40

4 March

John 3:16
1 John 3:16 - 18

'I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine.'
In Jesus' day - they didn't care for those who were sick or disabled.
Matthew 18:32
Matthew 20:34
A radical way of caring for others
- Doesn't hinge on recognition, or return of favours.
- Many care organisations, their roots are in Jesus.
Is Jesus a game changer for you, when it comes to caring for others?
If you don't have compassion for others in need...
Jesus' Sacrifice was a game changing care for the whole world.
There is a great call for for us to be game changers

Luke 10:25 - 37
The Good Samaritan not only cared for the injured man, but continued to care for him, even as it cost him more.
vs 37

11 March

Missionaries - Joshua & Michelle Bowen - in West Timor with SIM
God is leading them to support locals in development and Church growth.
Lamp of Life Foundation (English translation)
- Leadership development
- Networking with other stakeholders
- Reconciliation and peace-building

Colossians 1:19, 20
God wants to reconcile all things to Him.

To God (2 Corinthians 5:18 - 20)
To Self (Philippians 4:12, 13, 2 Corinthians 3:18)
Our Neighbours (Matthew 5: 23, 24. Ephesians 2:14 - 17)
Rest of Creation (Genesis 1:28 - 30)

Reconciliation through prayer (e.g. Josh and another having differences of opinion and going to pray about it.)

Prayer Points
Home Assignment - safe travel; good quality time with family, friends and partners; sustainable lifestyle.
Wisdom for discussion with SIM as we consider opportunities to expand our roles in Timor.
WASTE project in Tillo village
Timorese people develop total dependence on God and grow in spiritual maturity

18th March
Evangelist Matt Prater
1 John 1:9

Jeremiah 29:11 - 15

Physical and Spiritual food
Acting Out Bible Stories

Parable of the Talents
Matthew 25:14 - 30
What is God's call on your life?

Jer 29:11 - 14
Prayer is two way
We need to be _all_ in for Jesus (all of us)
Most important question
Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?
What have you done with what you have been given?
Stand on the Word of God no matter what is thrown at you.

Ephesians 6:10 - 20
The enemy has a plan to take you out every day.
We need to sharpen the sword of truth, by reading the Bible every day.
How many Christians are ready when the Enemy comes?
We need to have someone at our back.

Psalm 133:1
We shoudn't use the sword against each other!

Eph 6:18
We should be praying constantly!
Prayer should be steering wheel, not the spare.

We need to recognise the promptings of the Spirit.
If He is telling you to do something, be faithful! Keep tuning in.

Pray in faith, believing that God will answer.

Step out in faith.

Will you follow His call for your life?

Revelation 3:20
He doesn't want half-hearted apathetic believers!

25th March - Palm Sunday
John 12:12 - 16

Testimony - Dave & Kristan Strahorn at 100% Hope in Uganda
- Prayer: Support for 100% Hope.

John 12:12 - 16
Jesus on a donkey - a symbol of peace.
He was coming to be glorified on a Cross!

Sermon - Jesus the Game Changer - Wealth
1 Timothy 6:6 - 10
Money is seductive - It is easy to say more, more more!

* Wealth does not bring contentment.
* Wealth is not lasting.
* The desire for wealth leads to sin.

Matthew 6:24
Uses of Money
- Security
Very poor as security - It can disappear.
- Love
-- Temptation to get it either illegally or immorally.
- Serve Money
- Spending too much time working
- Enslaved by materialism

Warren Weisbe: "Materialism will enslave the heart, the mind and the will."
: The treasures of earth may be used for God.

We need to use money, etc. for the glory of God.

What about our Eternal Security?

30th March 2018 - Good Friday
John 13:1 - 17
600 BC
Delphic Canon - 147 virtues
- Humility wasn't one of them.

The Ideal Team Player
3 Characteristics
- Humility was one of them
Humility wasn't valued in Jesus' day.

Matthew 20:25 - 28
A new and radically different way of thinking.
John 13: 1 - 17
The only time an example of servanthood was laid out before He went to the Cross.

Philippians 2:3 - 8
An example of Jesus' Humility

The Ransom that He paid was His own life.

He substituted Himself to do it.

John 3:16

luke 10, gospel of john, gospel of luke, good friday, 1 timothy 1, jesus the game changer, gospel of matthew, matthew 25, palm sunday, church, wealth, care, john 13, missions

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