180 Beginnings of 2018 - Star Trek: Voyager - Spores, A Way Home?

Feb 23, 2018 18:59

Star Trek: Voyager - Spores, A Way Home?
8 May 2371
It was just over two weeks since Voyager had left the Ocampa System. Captain Kathryn Janeway had an idea, based on something she had been briefed on after she was promoted to Captain. (There were a lot of things a Starfleet Officer was briefed on when they became Captain, but this particular thing was most relevant to Voyager's situation.) It had been a good day on the Bridge, with no encounter with any ships, enemy or otherwise. (But she was certain that they hadn't seen the last of the Kazon...)
Once in her quarters, she activated her terminal. “Computer, access confidential file: DSC-1031-DASH, authorisation code: Janeway pi alpha six.”

“Security Code Confirmed,” the Computer said. “Playing first video file.” The screen then showed a man with pale skin, blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. “I am Lt. Commander Paul Stamets, This is an introduction to the Displacement Activated Spore Hub Drive, for future Starfleet Captains.”

Janeway paid close attention as the long-dead Stamets detailed how the Spore Drive used the universial Mycelium to move a starship through space.

Later in the day, Janeway showed Commander Chakotay, and Lt. Commander Tuvok the video.

“So, you're saying that we can use this 'Spore Drive' to get home?” Chakotay asked.

“Yes,” Janeway answered. “But there is a problem. The technical schematics for the drive are in the computer, but...”

“We don't have any of the necessary spores aboard?” Tuvok concluded.

“Exactly, nor are any in sensor range. But we may run across some on our route to the Alpha Quadrant. The computer will flag them when Voyager detects them.”

“So you're telling us to be alert for this possible way home?” Chakotay asked.


8 September 2371
B'Elanna Torres entered the Captain's Ready Room.

b'elanna torres, discovery, fanfic, star trek, chakotay, voyager, paul stamets, kathryn janeway, 180 beginnings of 2018, tuvok

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