Church notes - 17th September 2017

Sep 17, 2017 17:49

17th September
2 Thessalonians 2:13 - 17

The Gideons
- Placing Bibles where people in need may see them.
- Dubbo Hospital, and two Dubbo schools that presently don't allow Gideon Bibles...

Jesus - The Lamb who takes away the sins of the world.

2 Thessalonians 2:13 - 17
Life is getting more difficult for Christians
Paul - Also had pressures and despair
Chuck Swindoll aslo
Every Christian
The Thessalonians were persecuted for their faith.
4 Encouragements
1. God chose you to be saved and to grow.
vs 13
Salvation begins and ends with God. All we have to do is to accept this gift,
2. Share in the glory of Jesus.
vs 14
Something that shows God's greatness. He shares this with us.
3. Stand Firm
vs 15
Paul knew that they would face challenges, both from the world and in their own minds.
Don't worry about world events (e.g. North Korea) or about problems in your life.
God's in control. We need to stand firm, not be relaxed. Hold onto God's word.
4. May God Encourage you.
vs 16, 17.
Be in a strong, stable place in Jesus. He wants a changed life.
Paul had pressure, but he had encouargement from God. We stand firm in Him, we have strength, encouragement and hope.

be encouraged, 2 thessalonians 2, stand firm, the gideons, church

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