Church notes - 3rd September 2017

Sep 03, 2017 16:07

3rd September
A Practice of Truth. It doesn't matter how we feel about it.
Forgiveness - a doorway.
Matthew 27:51
The Death of Jesus allowed us to meet Jesus, restoring the relationship to what God intended it to be.
The Knowing is important.
How is the Knowing going? (Knowing Him and being known by Him)

Dedication - Steele, Georgina
Psalm 137:3

2 Thessalonians 2:1 - 12
Persecution - Don't be unsettled or alarmed.
- Suffering is real, but it won't prevail.
The Man of Lawlessness
- Will break all of God's laws.
- Will be destroyed.
- Exalting himself above everything that is worshipped.
Daniel 7
The prophecy hasn't been fulfilled yet. (Not by Anchiochus IV, the Romans or anyone else in history)
Lesser fulfillments of the prophecy have occurred,
The Restraint
- Law and Government
- The Activities of the Church
- The work of the Holy Spirit
The Prophecies will be fulfilled at the proper time.

In our time - Secular Humanism
Same Sex Marriage - Australian postal plebycte
Leviticus 18:22
Euthanasia - a bill is before the New South Wales Parliament.

But the Man of Lawlessness will be destroyed. God's rule will prevail.

Paul calls the Thessalonans (and us) to persevere, to stand firm.

Daniel 7:14

When you think of Jesus' Return, what unsettles or alarms you?

the man of lawlessness, daniel 4, book of daniel, church, forgiveness, matthew 27, stand firm, 2 thessalonians 2

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