6 August
Read Scripture - 2 Thessalonians:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbPBDKOn1cc&t=7s Stand Firm
2 Thessalonians 1
Do you want to know God more?
God's plan is for us to grow in Him.
"More and More." - Paul is talking about growing in Christ.
Fear - causes people to loose faith and hope.
vs 3, 4
None of Paul's fears had come true
E.G. the Church in China after the Communist takeover.
But the Church had grown.
200 million in the Chinese Underground Church.
Like the Thessalonians they had perservered.
How to encourage growth?
'A well tended soul'
Looking after your soul?
e.g. maintaining lawns.
Do you have a well tended soul?
Perserverance in persecution
Growing love.
vs 4, 5
Despite persecution, they were growing spiritually.
Persecution: A program of harassment.
Trials - pressure, problems
A level of pushback can be a good thing
Australian Media - various voices attacking Christian thinking.
What barriers do you need to remove that stop you growing in Christ?
It is like going into the pits during a motor race.
Am I obedient to Jesus?
Do I have a sin to confess?