23rd July 2016
The Canberra Declaration: https//www.canberradeclaration.org.au/index.php/the-canberrra-declaration/read-the-declaration
1 Thessalonians 1
'To be Christlike', 'Spiritual Growth', 'Discipleship', 'Sanctification'
Faith isn't just something to be studied. It is a relationship.
Jesus had a relationship with His disciples.
Read Scripture: 1 Thessalonians:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=No7Nq6IX23c 1 Thessalonians 3: 6 - 13
The people were imitating Paul and Silas as they were imitating Christ.
This also happens with us! We have to ensure that our modelling of Christ is excellent.
Model - Gr. Typos - Modern English derivative: Type.
We are like a template for what life in Christ is like.
The message was ringing out.
This modelling works in strong relationships.
Who can you imitate and how can you become a model?