16th July
Psalm 84
'This is Amazing Grace'
100% Hope
Don't give in to complacancy
John 10:1 - 13
There are times when we require a shepherd
John 10:11 - 21
The Sheepfold and the Legitimate Shepherd
vs 1 - 2
Jesus cares for the sheep - He has compassion for the people
There are shephereds who care nothing for the sheep
Jesus is the Legitimate Shepherd. He cares.
The sheep recognise the Shepherd's voice.
When he has brought out all his own he goes on ahead of them and his sheep follow Him because they know His voice.
We recognise the voice of God, of the Spirit.
Jesus is the Intimate Shepherd, who knows us intimately.
I am the Gate for the Sheep.
I am the Gate; whoever enters through me will be saved.
He gives us abundant life. He protects us from theives and wild animals.
Psalm 23
A picture of a Good Shepherd looking after us.
The Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.
I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.
1 Samuel 17:34, 35
David's protection of Jesse's sheep
This is a prototype of his Descendent's Sacrifice at the Cross. Jesus is the good shepherd who gives His Life for us.
Jesus is the Legitimate Shepherd who cares
Jesus is the Intimate Shepherd who knows us personally
Jesus is the shepherd who leads us to full abundant life
Jesus is the good shepherd who gives His life for us.
vs 27
We have security in Jesus
"No wolf, no theif, no bandit, no hireling, no demon, not even the devil himself can pluck the sheep out of my hand."
A.T. Robinson
'I Believe the creed'