Church notes - 18th June 2017

Jun 18, 2017 17:17

Prayer - a Baptist Church in the ACT that had their building burn down.

John 6
vs 26, 27
Jesus knew that they were following Him just to see mere miracles. That they were missing the point.

'I am the Bread of Life'
What we need is Him.
He isn't here to just improve your life, He is here to Be your life.
Christ is enough

vs 43 - 58

vs 51
Jesus says that His death on the Cross is that fulfills our need for salvation.

vs 53 - 56
'Eat Me'
It's symbolic of what our relationship with Him should be like.

vs 40, vs 54
Our belief should be a zeal for Him.

vs 56
You are what you eat. If you are believing in Him, dig deeper!

vs 60 - 70
Peter - He got it right this time. Salvation comes from Jesus alone.

Ephesians 1:17

Communion is for those who believe the above.

the bread of life, seven claims of jesus, christ is enough, gospel of john, church

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