Church notes - 4th June 2017

Jun 04, 2017 15:59

John 4:1 - 26

Philippians 3:13 - 14

John 3:16, 17
John 14:1
Revelation 9:6

John 4:1 - 26
'The Woman at the Well'
We all have different perspectives.
The Jews and the Samaritan - they existed in a state of hostility.
Jews walked around Samaria to reject opportunities of meeting Samaritan.
But Jesus didn't, thus He meet this woman.
The woman had a great sense of rejection.

We have to be prepared to share the gospel with anyone despite any social barriers that may exist (race, education, gender, age...)

vs10 - 11

Psalm 36

Jesus gives us the life giving stream.
He tailored His message to the woman.

vs 16 - 10
Jesus points out her shortcomings in a way that results in personal growth. We need to see ourselves in the mirror our Saviour provides. This provides a sense of freedom.

She then shares the Good news with her town.

Which chair do you sit in today (Jesus' or the woman's)?

seven claims of jesus, the woman at the well, gospel of john, john 4, church

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