Doctor Who 10.04 'Knock Knock' Review

May 08, 2017 22:23

Doctor Who 10.04 'Knock Knock' Review

The fourth episode of series 10, about Bill and several friends moving into a strange house. David Suchet sells it as The Landlord. He helped to make it a better episode than it could have been. However the episode is mostly about how Bill and her friends react to the predicament they find themselves in, and how they respond to the Doctor's help. With a large number of characters it is sometimes difficult to keep track. Some are developed more than others, but most of them do have a role to play.
Bill does panic almost as much as her friend, Shireen. But she takes the initiative to investigate the house. Her annoyance with the Doctor insisting he stay, is well done. Her calling him 'Grandfather' though, is that a link to Susan? Once the house starts doing it's thing, Shireen is incredulous at first, but does follow Bill's lead, thus allowing her to survive until the confrontation with the Landlord. It seems that she's interested in Paul, but that's not developed much. Harry gets trapped with the Doctor, in the loungeroom/kitchen.He too is incredulous about what is happening with the house, but follows the Doctor's lead once they are sealed in.
There isn't much development for Felicity, other than that she may be a clustrophobe. She panics, saying that 'I can't get trapped!' I'm uncertain whether the depiction is accurate. There isn't much more she does. Pavel does even less, simply being trapped by the house/'dryads'/alien woodlice. Paul 'comes on' to Bill (being shot down by her, given her orientation), he also is a practical joker (with Bill and Shireen falling for it). There is also the Landlord, and the secret he has been concealing.
The reveal, about the Landlord and his daughter (who actually turns out to be his mother) is quite well done. However the 'everyone lives' moment seems anticlimatic. But the ongoing storyline is continued quite well with the Doctor's interaction with the person in the vault. (It may be obvious who it is, but I'm prepared to be surprised.) The above caveats aside I would recommend this episode alongside those previous in this series. 8/10.

review, doctor who, series 10, knock knock

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