Church notes - 2nd April 2017

Apr 02, 2017 16:14

Psalm 51
A Lightbulb moment for David.
Background - David had committed adultery with Bathsheba and had Uriah killed. (2 Samuel 11. 12)
God - He is the same today, yesterday and forever
David recognised this. He threw himself on the LORD's covenental love, His steadfast love. He had recognised God's heart.
- Sees that he has a repentant heart.
- His sin was against God
- So it is with us. Our sin is against God.
Reconciliation - It needs to happen, but verbal repentance is necessary. Spoken words have power.
He needed to be purified of the sin he had. Old Testament Law.
But there is a difference - There is no high priest. God is holding the hyssop.
David recognised that we should have a heart of praise. This lead to a heart of truth - that the Law wasn't enough for Salvation. He recognised that God didn't want empty religion. That He was looking at the heart.

He was after a broken, contrite heart

Luke 21:1-4
Jesus recognised that the poor widow gave much more than the rich rulers.

We need a lightbulb moment.
- A heart of repentance.
- A heart of praise (Nothing can separate you from the love of a steadfast God)
- A heart of truth

1 Corinthians 11:27 - 32
We need to examine ourselves, and bring those sins to the cross.

We need a heart of worship - A heart overflowing with everything God has done for you. It is not about going through the motions.

1 corinthians 11, psalm 51, gospel of luke, luke 21, david, church

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