Church notes - 21st August 2016

Aug 21, 2016 15:30

21st August
Bangladesh - Increasing restrictions on church growth!
David Suchet - Became Christian after reading Proverbs from a Gideons Bible.

Psalm 148

Luke 15
Hug or Handshake?
Hug - Intimate Relationship
Handshake - Agreement or a list of rules
The Parable of the Prodigal Son
- An illustration.
The Father's response when he sees the prodigal son in the distance - Another illustration of the Father's response when we ask for forgiveness
We also see it at the Cross.
The Older Son
- Rather like the Pharisees
- Think it's a business relationship
- He was missing the point!
We need to hug back.

psalm 148, luke 15, eating with sinners, a meal with jesus, gospel of luke, church

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