Of course, confronting her opposite self was easier said than done. She had to wait until both of them had study hall, or lunch, or until school let out for the day. She was annoyed. Her opposite self continued to get the answers right.
She supposed that Brittany wasn't as dim-witted as she had let on. The same was happening with Quinn afterall.
She sighed. Another thing that had to be done. She would have to talk to Quinn. But first, she needed to talk to her opposite self. She waited patiently through class.
However, there were another two periods before Lunch. It was almost enough for her to cry out in frustration.
At lunch she went up to her opposite self, who was sitting alone. "So, Brittany, you took over my life?" she asked.
"What are you talking about?" her opposite self asked. "I'm Daria!"
Daria was infuriated more. "No, you're Brittany."
"I have heard about what happened to you, you're confused."
"That was a ruse. I didn't know you well enough," Daria said. "I don't know how you have pulled it off. There wouldn't be enough in my diaries."
"What an imagination!" Brittany cried. "Will you leave me alone?"
"No! You are Brittany Taylor, you found yourself in Daria Morgendorffer's body."
"Fine!" her opposite self said. "Meet me at home, 1111 Glen Oaks, this afternoon.
"So, you admit it!"
"We'll talk later, not now!" her opposite self said firmly. It was quite unnerving, she sounded both like and unlike herself (that is Brittany), some of the cadences she was familiar with Brittany having were there, others were unknown, and others she was sure that she had modelled off her (Daria).
"We will talk," Daria said.
"Yes! Now go!" Brittany said firmly, as she stood up, having finished eating.
Daria went.