22 Jurassic World
The fourth film in the Jurassic Park franchise, based on novels by Michael Chrichton (albiet not based on any one novel). Starring Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, B. D Wong and Vincent D'Onofrio. A Dinosaur theme park, called Jurassic World, has been running on Isla Nublar for more than ten years, but attendance has been declining. As such a new hybrid predatory dinosaur has been created. However the motives behind the creation of that hybrid may have nothing to do with declining attendance...
Pratt was great as the 'Raptor trainer Owen Grady, delivering a believable performance as someone who sees the dinosaurs as living animals, and would rather not see them used for nefarious purposes. Howard was great as the park's operations manager and aunt, and D'Onofrio as the human antagonist. The CGI and animatronics were an improvement on that in the earlier installments of the franchise. A great film, almost as good as the original Jurassic Park. 9/10.