Church notes - 17th May

May 17, 2015 16:46

17 May
Psalm 100
1 Corinthians 11:23 - 32

Matthew 6:1 - 18

Jesus says 'when you pray', not 'if you pray...'

Jews had traditional prayers

- Motives - to impress other with their prayers
- Jesus says - Be sure to have the right motives

- Pray in secret
- Be alone with God.
Prayer is about changin our hearts
Not about the words. It's about how we connect to God.
Need to be personal and warm
It's about the connection to God
- Our attitude and connection

Prayer at Gethsemene
- The 'groan' from Jesus' heart as he prepared to go to the Cross.

The Lord's Prayer
His is Our Father
His namei s Holy
- To the world it isn't
- We need to treat Him as holy and with reverence

Ecclesiastes 5:2

Your Kingdom Come
- The world needs His Kingdom to come

Your will be done
- What would Jesus do?
Give us today our daily bread
- Nothing is too small to pray about
- We need His help to get through our lives

We have been forgiven we need to forgive others
vs 15
Matthew 18:21 - 35
Pray that we shall not conform to the world.
That we have the wisdom and strength to overcome the evil that comes our way.

sermon on the mount, the lord's prayer, matthew 6, church

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