Joshua 23, 24
It is God who works through us.
We have to do the work, but it is God who gives us the success.
The settling of the Promised Land was incomplete.
The same is true of ourselves.
- There are areas of our lives untouched by God.
- Yet God is still at work within us.
- We need to work out the implications with His help.
We need to have everything in our lives open to Him.
Strain towards Him.
It was always God who provided Israel with the Victory.
vs 6, 7
We must be careful not to buy into the values of the worldly society around us.
Escpecially when it come to Forgiveness.
Jesus: Forgive them!
World: Get even!
We need to put God at the top of the pyramid.
vs 12, 13
It wouldn't be possible for Israelites in marriage with Canaanites to grow as God wants them to grow.
Joshua 24: 29
Joshua 24: 14, 15
Don't drift. Make a decisive decision.
Choose not to drift away from God, into a worldly attitute.
We need to make a commitment.
Take Him seriously.