Church Notes - February 2015
1st February
'Water you turned into wine'
Psalm 32
Joshua 1
Joshua - was one of only two spies who had faith to recommend entering the Promised Land.
- He proceded to do whatever God asked him to do.
- He was willing
Joshua 11:15
Bear the Cost
The cost of obedience
He led the people in the shadow of Moses.
Comparison with Moses was inevitable.
Joshua had to contend with this.
- But he faithfully lead the people and served God.
As it was with Joshua, so it is with us.
There is a cost to following God.
- financial
- time
Jesus bore the full cost at the Cross.
Joshua accepted the cost.
Strong and Courageous
- God told him to be strong and courageous
We need to have courage
vs 5 - God would neither leave nor forsake Joshua
It is the same with us.
Meditate upon God's Word and apply it to your life.
'In Christ Alone': 8th February
'Hosanna Hosanna':'Under Star Filled Skies'
'The Splendour of the King'
Joshua 2
Inpact of history
- Rahab: involvement in prostitution.
- Israel: wandering in the desert for fourty years.
Rahab knows how to deal with the situation.
- She protects the spies from being captured.
- God had chosen her.
- - He had seen the potential in her heart.
He sees the potential in all of us.
Hebrews 11:31
God can use anybody who puts their faith in Him.
Matthew 1:5
Rahab is one of the few women included in the genaloogy (along with Tamar, Ruth and Bathsheba).
Rahab overcame her past.
No matter our past, God can use us.
With the spies' report, Israel overcame their past. (Joshua learned from Moses' mistake. His spies had faith)
Faith decisions are always risky - This is especially true of Rahab's decision.
Have you exchanged a risky faith for a comfortable Christian life?
We need to have the mission of Christ.
15 February 2015
'Over Star filled skies'
Joshua 3
Joshua 4:1 - 9
'Nothing but the Blood':'Oh LORD you've searched me'
Joshua 3:1 - 5:12
Many organisations were started by Christians
They should stand as monuments to Jesus.
The Church should be one, undivided.
Life is a story
- It went on with God choosing Israel
- Then the appearance of Jesus
- It will be fulfilled with Jesus' Return.
His effect on human history is enormous.
Are there any rocks you need to pick up and make a monument out of?
22nd February
Romans 8: 28, 29
'Water you turned into wine':'White Flag'
'You hear me when I call':'It's there in the newborn cry':'I have decided to follow Jesus': Joshua 5:13 - 6: 27
Joshua wasn't expecting the answer he got.
- It may not be the answer we expect either.
'Is God on our side?' - Joshua's question
'Are we on God's side?' - The question that should be asked. By Joshua and by us.
Joshua learned that he was second in command.
Joshua has a revelation - that God is in charge, and he submits.
The inhabitants of Jericho were paralysed with fear.
The strategy
- It relied upon Israel trusting God.
- With God they gained the victory.
Not the only strange strategy devised by God.
Judges 6, 7
God could do with the 300 what the 32000 couldn't do with their own strength.
Strange strategy
- The cross
- God's Mercy
- It was God's plan
The Israelites obeyed God and achieved the victory.
The battle was God's
It's all about God!
We surrender to Him!
Jeremiah 29:11