January 2015 Writings - 4th

Jan 05, 2015 11:18


Excerpt from: Legacy of the Doctor: 1x03 Robot of Sherwood

Will Scarlett: My Ladies.

Words: 4

Excerpt from: Legacy of the Doctor: 1x02 Into the Dalek

Clara: You’re not listening to us. We’re not helping you. You would have to do it yourself.

Morgan: We could force you.

Clara: That would be a terrible mistake.

Morgan: Why would that be?

Susan: We could cause it to self destruct.

Words: 42

Excerpt from: Legacy of the Doctor: 1x01 Deep Breath

, so that people can look at those places without the fear of you cannibalising them.

Half Face Man: That fear is Irrelevant.

Clara: Is it? I posit another question. Is there any original you left? If you have replaced every part. Like some Greek guy has a ship, and over the course of time, he replaces every piece of wood. Is the ship the same ship? Or is it a new ship? Pauses to allow the robot to think that over. Are you still the same droid that survived the ship’s crash?

Half Face Man: I cannot end!

Clara (sadly): I’m afraid it has to. I need to save Vastra, Jenny and Strax, and Susan’s current incarnation. I don’t want to have to get to know a version of her who looks like Jenny, or something.

Half Face Man: Explain.

Clara: I don’t need to. She opens the door.

Half Face Man: Self-Destruction is against my basic program.

Clara: Murder is against mine. Sobs. They struggle in the doorway.

Scene 26
Int. Mancini’s lower level
Sword points are at everyone’s throats.

Susan: Hold your breath, everyone. Hold your breath!

Vastra and Jenny exchange oxygen with a kiss as Susan crawls to the door, while using her respiratory bypass system.

Scene 27
Ext. Above London
Clara manages to push the robot out of the escape pod, with some ingenuity. The robot falls, and is impaled on the top of Elizabeth Tower, the tower of the Palace of Westminster that contains Big Ben.

Scene 28
Int. Mancini’s lower level
The robots deactivate.

Susan: Clara did it!

Vastra: Very surprising.

Susan: How?

Vastra: I didn’t think she had it in her.

Susan is thoughtful.

Scene 29
Int. Escape pod
Clara is crying, then the escape pod crashes...

Scene 30
Ext. Paternoster Row
They are outside, next to the TARDIS.

Susan: You know if she survived?

Vastra: There was no body in the wreck. It is highly possible that she survived.

Susan: I’m not sure if I want to travel with her. I have to think.

Vastra: You are going to leave her here?

Susan: Yes. Look after her. Steer her on the right path. Bye Vastra, Jenny, Strax.

Jenny: Bye, Susan.

Susan enters the TARDIS.

SFX: TARDIS Dematerialisation
Jenny: What now?

Vastra: We shall watch out for Clara.

Scene 31
Int. House on Paternoster Row.
It is late at night.

SFX: Knocking at the door.

Jenny goes to the door and opens it.

Jenny: Clara!

Clara faints from exhaustion.

Jenny: Vastra!

Scene 32
Int. Bedroom
Jenny puts Clara in the bed.
Vastra: Clearly, doing in the robot has given her a shock, possibly shell shock.

Jenny: I’ll stay here.

Vastra: You don’t need to dear, come to bed.

Jenny: Sure. Smiles excitedly.

Scene 33
Int. Vastra’s Chamber
Vastra: Please, come in.

Clara: I’m not interrupting?

Vastra: I should be glad of your company. How are you?

Words: 484

Excerpt from: Doctor Who: Season 8.5

He placed his hands on the telepathic circuits. ‘Ashley!’ he thought.

25 December 2015
Burnley, Lancashire, England, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The TARDIS materialised outside a medium sized house. The Doctor, Clara and Shona exited it.

Words: 40

Excerpt from: Daria: Time and the Titanic

“I'm ready,” she said as she entered the time vehicle. She placed her supplies next to Quinn's pile of clothes and Daria's food and water. With the five girls, it was a tight squeeze.

“The Titanic?” Jodie asked.

“Of course,” Stacy said.

“Entering co-ordinates,” Jodie said.

Location: RMS Titanic Stern Section
Time: 1912, April 13th 8:50 local time.

Words: 62

Excerpt from: Daria: The Loneliness of Alex

'One of those popular girls,' Alex thought. Not interesting at all.

Quinn Morgendorffer exited her father's car. “Don't be surprised that it takes them a while to warm up to you,” he said. She mentally sighed. He was completely clueless. “Hi, what's your name?” a girl with her hair in twintails asked.

“Quinn Morgendorffer,” she answered.

“I'm Stacy, Stacy Rowe,” the girl said.

“Cool,” Quinn said.

“Will you go out with me?” a boy asked.

Alex shook her head at that exchange. She then noticed Quinn's sister, making a beeline for the school buildings. Her style, from the Doc Martin boots, up to the 'manstopper' glasses seemed to say. 'Leave me alone!'
'There's someone who I might befriend,' Alex thought. She followed the girl into the school.

Words: 133

Total: 755

daria, fan fiction, doctor who

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