4 May
Genesis 6:5 - 22
Romans 3
Psalm 51
Noah Movie - against global warming
Bible - both humanity and animals saved
Movie - animals saved
God loved humans and wanted to save them
John Stot - God's New Society
A society that is supportive and brings Glory to Him
The wickedness had destroyed the community that God wanted to create
God always has a plan to save people
There was something about Noah that drew God's attention to him.
Noah was a righteous man and walked in fellowship with God.
Noah had faith to believe God and act on what God said.
Hebrews 11:7
Noah was prepared to do a difficult job.
11 May
1 Corinthians 13
God has the power of love
Love Unites
1 Corinthians 1:10 - 13
The Corinthian Church was divided
1 Cor 13
Paul addesses each of the issues
- Love needs to be part of it!
- Division is a tool of the Enemy
Love Unites
Matthew 18:15 - 19 (who, how)
Matthew 5:23, 24 (When)
Go and be reconcilled
Romans 12:18 (You)
Love completes
The world is looking for completion - This can only be found in God.
We need to allow the love of God to show in our lives
If there is no love in the motive - the activity is for naught
We need to let God show in us.
18 May
Romans 6:1 - 6
- Not a religious ritual
- A celebration of life in Christ
Colossians 3
Fix our minds on Christ
- By itself, isn't a sin
- But it can lead to sin, by loosening inhibitions
Lying is contrary to God's nature
We need to tolerate each other.
25 May 2014
Acts 10:1 - 23
You shouldn't call anything unclean, what God has called clean
God has a bigger plan
We need to be prayerful! It needs to be the base of everything we do and are.
7000 least reach people groups. (Groups of people who share an afinity with each other. 40 of these in Cambodia alone.)
Peter was uncomfortable with going to Cornelius, because Jews didn't visit Gentiles.
Acts 10:24 - 48
The Jews developed traditions to separate themselves from the Gentiles. It had become a persvasive prejudice.
God overcame this by bringing Peter and Cornielius together.
Acts 11
We are to grow in God despite the pain it may cause.
Acts 11:18
If we don't like change, we may be standing in the way of God's work. (In our life, our community or in the world)
Romans 3:33 - 51
Everyone in the world has the opportunity to be saved!