Open Response to htcpl, Who Doesn't Seem To Want One

Oct 13, 2014 14:30

"Hi, thanks for at least doing some attempt to use Google translate, I appreciate it even if that string of words didn't mean anything in particular ;-)"

You're welcome.

"The even more amusing thing is that after all this time, you still seem "concerned"."

I don't think 'concerned' translates from Bulgarian to American correctly. When you say I am 'concerned', here in the USA that means you think I'm deeply worried about it. I'm not worried; I'm laughing at it.

What I am feeling is known in German as 'schadenfreude', and as you are Bulgarian I'm pretty sure you know what that word means, German being a common language of commerce in Europe. If not, Wikipedia will assist you. You and the other moderators spent so much time lambasting me and declaring that I was what was wrong with the community, and that your methods would vindicated in the end. Instead, ever since my departure from your community, the moderation methods have continued to drive down participation until you're as much of an echo chamber as conservatism used to be.

And yes, I have been keeping track ever since I left. I like to have evidence to vindicate my viewpoints - and yes, it did vindicate them - and the best evidence is mathematical in nature. Enduring your sneers against Americans and lofty conspiracies about RAC - ridiculous in nature and concept - was worth it to be proven correct. Even this response, in which it shows you are unable to take a little bit of ribbing, is worth it. I was right, you and (as usual) Jeff were wrong, and I'm taking pleasure in winning. Gloating, if you prefer.

"If the trigger for this unexpected diatribe was Chessdev's recent umpteenth copy-pasta, you can convey to him and the others that you've surely been discussing this with on RAC that the requirement for personal input stays."

It was not. This was meant to be sent to you on October 4th, but I was invited to [CENSORED] and so put it off for a more convenient time. Never understood your bugaboo about RAC, though.

"Thank you and have a nice day."

You really shouldn't say things that you don't mean. :)

Also, enabling your privacy options so you cannot receive messages is truly a sign of cowardice. Noted and documented. I further win.

schadenfreude, talk_politics

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