Nov 06, 2013 05:41

A lot of people are probably going to say that Ken Cuccinelli lost because of a Soros-funded Libertarian candidate and the lack of support from RINOs. There is probably a small amount of fact in this, but it doesn't wash as an entire explanation. I never expected Cuccinelli to really win in the first place, and was surprised when Free Republic kept claiming massive support on his part. Here's why I didn't think he would win:

* First off, there was his whole investigation of climate science that backfired on him very badly. You'll find a lot of legal experts around the web, conservative and liberal, who pretty much agreed his demands didn't stand a chance. There was a lot of internal criticism that he wasted state funds on what was a quixotic legal fiasco.
* Secondly, he's got a real bug up his ass about sex that makes Ashcroft's covering of the statues look tame. He finds the state seal sexually offensive. He's really wants sodomy banned - and it included oral and anal sex between men and women.
* He believes it was God's will that he be the Attorney General. Hate to tell you, son, but if the Vatican didn't say that? It ain't so.
* He's a big fan of 'personhood' legislation This does not sell well with most people, who tend to recognize the dodgy implications of personhood legislation.
* He believes LGBT are not protected under the 14th Amendment. Sad for him, the Supreme Court really disagrees.
* Then there are his conspiracy theories about the Social Security Number and how Obama stole the election, both of which are just so much hogwash.

These are reasons why I thought he would lose. I did not think he would carry the cities with these viewpoints and you need the cities to win. Virginia is not a stronghold of Southern Baptists, who skew conservative and allow the cities to be won down here in the Deep South. And he didn't. People will say "Well, it was a narrow loss." That's correct - and perhaps a bit of moderation to a few of his viewpoints would have caused the swing to get him elected.

Only Religious Crispies (you know, fried on faith?) like very social conservatives. They pass easy in Georgia, in Alabama...but Virginia has never been a Crispie state in general. Your average conservative male, for instance, is not going to go along with a guy who thinks outlawing fellatio is a good idea. Or most conservative women, for that fact.

Ah well. It's not like anyone's going to pay much attention anyway. In the GOP Civil War, the Religious Crispies didn't get their way in Alabama either. That's rather telling.

ken cuccinelli, tea party, american loons

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