I'm not at church this morning. As much as I love the community at
herchurch , the spirituality is just not speaking to me these days. Calling the Divine "She" is just not the most important part of religious experience for me. Also, in my experience, there's just not a Divine One. There's the Divine One I'm talking to at the moment, sure, but I am a hard polytheist. That's my experienced truth, and I'm sticking with it. Every time I try to work in an assumed singularity of the divine, I just get to a point where I feel like I'm lying, and lying in your spiritual practice is a damn fine way to get your ass kicked.
I'm frustrated by the lack of something like Grailwood out here. It was what I needed, and I still need it. It's hard to do all this on my own.
Maybe it's time to go back to "everything is devotional". That worked for a while. Part of my problem with herchurch is what feels, to me, like a lack of the ecstatic, the ferocious, the fecund and the fierce. I can live that without a group, for now.