Mar 11, 2008 18:54
I had this saved from a few days ago, it's really fucking creepy too, because everything bad that happened, has somehow found a way to fix itself:
So lately, a whole mess of unfortunate shit has been happening to me. My life is so hectic right now, yet I remain tranquil, calm, and most of all, happy; as if everything is going to be great regardless. It's strange. So far, the following has happened:
- My World of Warcraft account was stolen, RIGHT before I finally hit level 70. I called Blizzard and they were able to fix it up right away before anything horrible happened to my account.
- I was written up at work for being late and having a horrible attitude towards certain partners and customers.I went to work today, and EVERYONE was so much nicer to me than they have ever been. In turn, I was able to embrace this unusal kindess, and work 20x better than I usually do. Two of my supervisors intend on telling my manager of the improvement.
- I am failing the SLS class designed to boost my G.P.A. But I can't drop it or I won't get funding. If I don't drop it, I'll fail. I also won't get funding. No funding means no UCF. I got the go ahead from my Voc. Rehab councilor to drop the class without losing my funding. I don't have to deal with the crazy bitch I have for a teacher, and it freed up my time on Tuesdays drastically.
- My two closest friends are at eachother's throats and can't stand talking to eachother. Anton and Ali have made up, which reduces the awkwardness of hanging with one and not the other incredibally.
I was able to keep a positive attitude throughout all these things, and miraculously, all on the same day, everything fixes itself. It's fucking great. I'm so happy right now. Now all I need is for one last thing to happen. Every ounce of my being is going to hope for the best, and it shouldn't be hard to remain optimistic.