Accelerating Heartbeat - Chapter 11 (final)

Jan 02, 2013 14:21

Date started: May 9, 2012
Date finished: July 2, 2012
Rating: PG-13?
Genre: Angst, fluff, romance
Summary: Lee Sungmin has finally created a miracle robot, seemingly perfect in every way. But of course nothing can be perfect, and in this instance he's missing something vital: a heart.
Warnings: Character death(s)
A/N: Well... this was actually inspired by the story of Kokoro, sung by Kagamine Rin & Len xD Also, there's an alternate ending, but I'm not posting it here because I think it's the crappiest of the crap = =' Poster by Fateful Dreamer Graphic Request Shop.

Thank You For The Days You Spent With Me

(A/N) Warning: This chapter contains character death, and thus is not appropiate for fans under the mental age of forty. If you have any further inquiries, please contact the help desk for further information. Thank you for visiting ~farawaymemory. Reader discretion is advised.

Don't say I didn't warn you...

It takes a few days before he can stand up and walk properly.

He often refused for me to help him out, despite the clenching of his teeth and shaking breaths when he moved. I don't know why he did this when it would just cause him more pain.

Despite the pain he was in, he still retains his gentle, cheerful personality. He manages to get up and cook in that way that I can't ever replicate, without complaining at all.

I wish I could be a bigger help to him sometimes. I would like to always be seeing that beautiful smile on his face that brightens the glow of colour around him. Though every time I see it, the constant heaviness in my chest grows and grows, until now where it is almost to the point of pain.

Am I wearing out? I sometimes feel old and weary, even though I know he built me to last forever, even after he dies.

Even though he is cheerful and happy, I can see that he is slowly becoming paler and thinner as time passes. I don't know what to do, so I can only watch as the illness saps a little of his life from him each day.

I don't want to think about what life would be like without him. I would like for this time to last forever, like a dream.

But all dreams must come to an end...


One morning, it happens.

I get up while he's still sleeping peacefully. For some reason, I feel like something will happen today, though it seems no different than any other. I don't feel like playing Starcraft. Instead, I curl up on the window seat opposite his bed and stare at his sleeping face.

Is he really so thin and pale? He seems to have deteriorated inexplicably even more than I noticed.

I'm deteriorating too. I used to have the perception of a robot. Now... not so much. More like an ordinary human, maybe smarter than average.

Does that mean I'm not a robot anymore? I don't know whether I like that concept or not.

He stirs, and I can tell something is wrong immediately as I inch over to his bed. The way his breathing is shallow, the effort I can see him putting in just to open his eyes wide enough to see me.

"Kyu... I feel terrible..." His voice has been reduced to a trembling whisper. "I think today... is the day..."

"Today? You think this is your last day in this world?" Of course I can't help but question him.

"Yes... Sorry... it hurts to talk..." He starts to cough, and cough, and cough. On and on, the raspy, painful sound hammers into my ears though I can do nothing about it.

I wish I knew what to do, because I do not like feeling useless. It makes me feel as if I'm a waste of space, being of no use to anyone.


Why am I already starting to drift off into a sea of thought when he is coughing for dear life here?

The coughing dies down a little, enough for him to talk. "Kyu... I still love you..." He lowers his hands from over his mouth. They have a bright red liquid on them, in stark contrast to the greyscale tones of the rest of the world and the glow that emanates from his body. Some of the liquid also drips from his lips.



I start to tremble uncontrollably, my knees giving out as I slump to the floor beside his bed. I can only clutch at the side of the bed in an attempt to stay calm.


I can feel something, deep inside my chest. A painful beating sensation, repeating over -

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I can't remember what I was thinking.


I have a vague idea of him saying something to me, but I can't hear it over the thumping sound inside myself as it grows

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louder and more painful.

My hands are placed over my chest, attempting to hold the pain of that rapidly accelerating heartbeat back. Scenes flash through my head, as if a slideshow of my short one-year life.


Opening my eyes for the first time to see his face.

The warm hug he gave me and a whisper telling me he cared.

The sound of his guitar playing as I sang along.

The sweet taste of the cotton candy that he placed carefully in my mouth.

The antiseptic, unpleasant smell of the hospital where I learnt of his condition.

The sight of the sunset and his glowing brighter than ever.

The feeling of his lips on mine.

His voice cautioning me to be careful.

The gentle laugh when I failed at cooking and tried again.



My trembling becomes more and more violent, even though I can feel his arms trying to comfort me as best as he can.

All those memories. Why is everything so painful? A flood of strange sensations suddenly make themselves known in my mind.

Happiness. Joy. Sadness. Boredom. Helplessness. Curiosity. Embarassment. Pain.

Are these emotions? I feel them all at the same time, contradicting each other.

I have a heart...

I open my eyes again, only to see that my sight has blurred over and burning. My hands go to my eyes, to feel... wetness?


I'm crying harder and harder by the second. My body shakes with sobs, and I can feel my tears falling like a river as I cling tightly to Sungmin.



I have no idea how long it takes before I can calm myself down a little and open my eyes. I can't remember what happened at all while I was crying; now it's just a blur in my mind.

I think I used to be able to count time perfectly though.

The thudding, which I now know as a heartbeat, has died down slightly and is less painful, though I can still feel it much more noticeably than a regular human should.

I don't want Sungmin to die. And I still can't do anything about it.

When my (probably swollen and red) eyes are fully open, everything is different. Everything has colour. Not just the colour of Sungmin's glow, which I can guess to be pink. Before, everything was in... greyscale? Is that the word?

"Kyu... you're okay now?" Sungmin whispers to me. "Can you do something for me?"

I sniffle back the tears that still threaten to fall and nod. I feel like my voice is cracked and broken from the crying and wailing.

"Take me to the Jardin Botanique... you know, the big tree..."

I can't refuse what he asks, even if I wanted to. For everything he did and all the time he spent with me, this would be a way to return the favour at least a little.

I slowly, painfully, get to my feet and try to lift Sungmin's body in my arms.


Exhausted and weak from crying, I set Sungmin down so that he's leaning comfortably against the large tree and flop unceremoniously next to him.

The place is even more beautiful now that I can see colours and smell the flowers.

Sungmin whispers to me, "Thank you, Kyuhyun... this is where I'd like to die."

My heart pounds hard, and I finally know what the heaviness I had felt when I saw him was.


I should tell him. "Sungmin."


"I think... I love you. I'm sorry for not realizing it earlier." This time, I am the one who leans forward and presses my lips to his, my tears being transferred to his cheeks.

He blushes and smiles. "You have your heart, Kyu... I think I fulfilled my purpose in life to teach you emotions... so... even if I die right now, I would be okay with it. All I need is you."

He then turns his head to look at the scenery. "Look... everything is so beautiful..." he lets out a laugh. The last laugh.

This time I laugh with him.


Recently, two young men were found dead underneath the giant sakura tree in the Jardin Botanique. One was identified to be Lee Sungmin, a scientist and creator of a robot known as Cho Kyuhyun. The other man bore a striking resemblance to Cho Kyuhyun but was however determined to be a human, with feelings and a heart.

Lee Sungmin had formerly been suffering from a heart condition, and it is suspected to be his cause of death. One would think the condition caused him and his companion great pain.

Despite this, their faces were filled with smiles.

They looked like angels.

super junior, sungmin, fic:accelerating heartbeat, kyumin, kyuhyun

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