well lets see...yesterday was the best fucking day/nite everrr! it was awesome. i went to the Hawthorne Heights show and well let me tell you...it was fucking amazing! i had soo much fun crowd surfing, i was the first girl up there! i felt soo awesome. i hung out with sooo many people..it was soo awesome. and omg there were soooooooooooooo soooo soo many hot guys. everywhere i turned i was like WOO! lol and ohh man i got two T-shirts and i got stickers and meet alot of people and seeing people jump in pools. and hit each other while moshing. and it was simply insane! man i had soo much fun. thanks everyone who made this day awwesome!
videotaperman! lol
im lovin the hair yO!
woo. hot boy!
lead singer to Aberdeen
me and tati <3...camera twins! lol
Aberdeen guitarist decided to jump into the pool..silly boy
Doug Barry
he must be having a baaad hair day lmao!
doug decided to jump off the deck/stage ledge
amanda told me to take his pic, bc she thinks hes a cutie lol
the crazy insane outrageous moshers I
the crazy insane outrageous moshers II
NHE guitarist..cuutie
:+: Comments Wanted :+:
* X-tina *