Grey Lady shows her ass

Jan 04, 2009 14:38

My first LTE of the new year:

To whom it may concern,

In response to Adam Ellick's January 2nd article "In Queens, A Melting Pot and a Closed Book" (, I have to say I never thought the New York Times would publish an article designed to make we residents of Queens feel like fetishized curiosities. There is so much inherently wrong with his whole attitude, beginning with "I moved to Jackson Heights in late 2006 precisely to discover these discreet ethnic underworlds". Underworlds? The entire immigrant population is a giant crime syndicate? He goes on to describe jogging amongst Mexicans to a child's video game, and is unashamed of his droll amusement at the people who dodged his attempts to take their pictures. At least he was honest about the fact that he basically forced his way into that Korean bar, and he's too arrogant to recognize it for the bullying move it was.

Well, we inscrutable, colorful and "exotic" natives of Queens don't need his condescending curiosity. He can take his sorry self back to Manhattan and good riddance.
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