why I'm a grinch

Nov 28, 2008 11:22

I had a lovely Thanksgiving with friends, family, music, dancing and a huge spread that my children helped to prepare. Exactly how I wanted it.

I've avoided news for the last couple of days, afraid to know more about the terrorists in Mumbai and the bloody aftermath. Today, the Christmas season starts, which for me can only be enjoyable in the context of friends, family, music, dancing and food also. Not for shopping and crazed gifting of useless plastic crap. I avoid shopping at the best of times, but especially during this season. This sad story embodies everything I object to about this season.

some poor shlub at a LI Wal-Mart was trampled to death by crazed shoppers this morning. I don't have words for everything that is wrong with this event. I can only make *my* holiday be everything I want it to be.
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