Sheer raw ugly

Oct 24, 2008 22:01

When this campaign is finally over, there will have been enough memorable material for an opera or several Greek epics.

Turd du jour? Miss Ashley Todd (
This stupid Texan bitch is nothing but a sick, racist, attention-whore who would injure herself and then blame a mythical scary archetypal boogie-man --- and who coulda guessed? that scary archetype is a Big Black Man ( and one who is apparently dyslexic too). Hey, that tactic worked great for Susan Smith and Charles Stuart! People who are more noble and compassionate than I am are feeling sorry for her-- not me! I'm even more enraged at the *other* players in our little drama for what they've done. For news organizations (Drudge and Faux) to run with this before being properly fact-checked, for the godforsaken McPalin campaign to exploit this unsubstantiated story, for the sole purpose of rousing the (not so latent!) racism of the voting public. I'm not surprised that she actually thought that she could get away with it. THe man who could be our next president was anxious to make it be true also. lucky for the rest of us there are surveillance cameras, polygraph tests and too many people to fool for her to get away with it. But how can people avoid seeing that he deliberately tried to inflame the lynch mob, to haul the nearest black man off to a tree, er, I mean, jail cell. We are still too close to the days of Strange Fruit.
I think of Emmet Till's sweet face, and then I think of what John McCain is unleashing...this is truly more psychodrama than election.
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