interesting subset in the little tent

Oct 20, 2008 14:00

The idea that there are Muslim McCain supporters is a hard one to swallow, but I know that this is so. It should come as no surprise to me: Muslims can hardly agree on anything, even down to when to schedule feast days, because of dependence on frigging lunar visibility. Hoping that the American community of 7 million-plus Muslims would agree was too much to hope for. Bangladeshis in particular think that McCain will be sympathetic to them because of his adopted daughter, others, like the ones in this video have their own wanting-to-pass-for-mainstream, wanting-to-amass-wealth, wanting-to-legislate-conservative-values weird reasons.

That being said, this short video gives me reason to hope that not everyone on the other side is a crazed, racist loon. Only that they are allowing the crazed racist loons to be their public face.
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