Oct 10, 2006 22:45
Perhaps today marks a very special day; A day of reconcilling. Today brings about obscure emotions which pulls me both towards and against my pending future-further leading me into the smoke of the city and the stars of beautiful childhood(teenager) nights.
Today I spend in the company of freinds and DNA! I discovered how to extract cow DNA and genetically profile cows! Look out cow murders here i come...
"oh no...we've eaten the evidence-damn!"-Bryan
Today I become Jared's Gaurdien. The soul provider when my parents pass away- for the little boy that i care so much about.
Today marks the leaving of childhood. A long over due farewell to the childish acts i have commited; but yet still leaves room for more childish errors in the days to come. It is a day to remember a lifetime of memories filled with joys and sorrows.
Today marks the day I came into the world and somehow i have changed it-: painted a rainbow in the sky where there wasn't one before.
Today marks the balance between life-the letting go of things that are old and learning and discovering the new .
Tomorow is the day when i step out into the world and realise that I've grown up-though inside i still maintian a innocence.
Tomorow will begin at 6:00am and i will get up into my car-Drive my boyfreind home, and up to my College-like I've done for over a week now- disect some weird rodent and continue on into a world of smoke and stars.
My Granma wrote this and it is published in a local newspaper:(generosly typed by Mr.Michael Moring)
"You are our holiday baby, did you know that?
Your existence became public knowledge on Easter Sunday, your birth followed on Thanksgiving. Was the Universe telling us something? Perhaps. You are special, and maybe special days were our "heads-up".
You are our textbook baby, did you know that?
Every single part of the labour and your later delivery followed the guidelines set down in all the baby books. There was no anxiety because the experts laid it all out and we could follow every step from the book. What was the Universe trying to say? Not to worry, this one will be okay?
You were born on a day that was set aside for family - to give thanks and to celebrate the harvest and the fruits of our labour. Was there significance there? Perhaps. By the end of the day we would have one more thing to thankful for.
For all that was special about the day, there was also a normalcy about it. We gathered together as was our custom, Aunt Sylvia arriving with the cousins, bringing havoc and upheaval as was their custom. It seemed as though this had to be a family affair. No quiet tranquil time for a mother to peacefully contemplate what was to come.
This was your welcoming committee.
Grandpa, as always watching the games in between helping with the supper and playing with the babies. Every once in while we would catch him watching the new mother, as if trying to judge where things were.
Grandma, trying in the midst of chaos to throw together a decent Thanksgiving mean.
Looking forward to the new addition but always looking back enjoying the "what used to be".
Aunt Sylvia, quite undemanding, relishing the extra hands that made her job a little easier for today.
Four-year-old Richard and one year old Adam, clamouring for all the love and attention we could give because living alone with Mom there never seemed to be enough to go around, but today there were more adults than children and they could soak up the extra attention.
Two-year-old Erika, always on the go, always looking for adventure. On this day she found adventure of an artistic nature and redecorated your brand new dresser with some black marker artwork.
No, this was no quiet restful holiday. This was the wonderful chaos that was our family and without realizing it we had gathered together to welcome the newest member with open arms and noisy anticipation."
PS-where will you be on October 14th?
MY HOUSE! BDAY PARTY!(arrive after 7:30pm)