Ians Party was good-I'm sorry i couldn't stay longer but Holly was headed back into lakefield and i have to work my last day at Cedar Ridge today. I'm going to be so blue, however i might work a couple saturdays between now and December when the store moves to Milbrooke. In related news I got a $54.99 Alpaca teddy bear- with a white face and a brown body and brown ears. Cute! I'm so happy: Denise gave it too me for working the last two years!
Michael and I went exploring his new neigborhood and back to some old beautiful spot we explored last summer- i love doing that-i appologies we didn't get to explore more this summer.(Ps- the house is so cool, and im so happy about it.)
Andrew is gone for London-I miss him already and he has only been gone for three days and Lakefield already seems a little less crazy and beautiful!
I've been out for cofee with Taylor- the guy from the old "Specail Lights" {Mike Duguay} He's hilarious and scares me how similar we are, although he has too many freinds around the downtown area...we couldn't walk three steps without someone honking/stopping/yelling @ him. But we had a good park conversation which was nice. Teas, Fountains and Parks it was good night. (Wednsday)
I can't seem to do right by my mother shes all ticked off because I'm workign two jobs and having a socail life which means that shes going alone with the babies. God heaven forbid she actually has to do what every other mother does without the help of her teenage daughter. Blah. Shes a strange woman( *giggle*)
oh well, Finish drivers-ed tonight! YD80-the same a G2. Excited and a little nervous but im sure i can pull through(*crossing fingers and praying*) PS-I love my little car, it is so nice to drive and it is such a hot little car-and its all mine
Love everyone (sorry for the pointless post) I promise i will actually post something interesting the first week of school- Yeah out of highschool and into College/University.
https://intranet2.flemingc.on.ca/psp/EP89PRD/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/SA_LEARNER_SERVICES.SSS_STUDENT_CENTER.GBL?FolderPath=PORTAL_ROOT_OBJECT.HC_SSS_STUDENT_CENTER&IsFolder=false&IgnoreParamTempl=FolderPath%2cIsFolder ^ My class schedule for the fall ( I tried to swap the Lab-3pm-6pm but its a part of my program and transfer between trent so i can't change it-what pisser! So other than Tuesday I can work at 4:30 every weekday @ Suzy Shier. Yes!)