May 06, 2008 12:59
So I have a practical exam in Japanese today, which means that a partner and I had to write and perform a skit entirely in Japanese. No English, all the proper kanji, hiragana, and katakana.
Problem: Japanese this semester has been excessively hard for me. Compared to how ridiculously simple it was last semester for me, this is knocking me for a rather big loop. I mean, it totally sucks is what it does. Add the fact that my partner in this project is not exactly gifted with languages and struggles even more than I do, and you have a recipe for a very large disaster.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, I'm super nervous and super stressed out and super afraid that I'm going to fail this class, not in the least because I've missed quite a bit of it this semester, haven't had time to do my language lab work, and have only done I think two homework assignments over the entirety of the semester. All of which is entirely my fault, and I'm trying to figure out how to tell my parents that I am, indeed, quite a retard.
I also haven't been able to write jack squat over the past couple of weeks, besides a cheesy Victorian romance in about twelve pages that I had to do for a class. No writing makes me a sad panda. No writing on something that I really want to send off for publication before the year is out makes me a very sad panda.
I'm starting to get depressed, and I'm more stressed out about finals than I probably should be, especially my Japanese final. That test is all that is saving me from flunking that class, in my estimation.
Gwar. I'm going to try and make up some homework in the next half hour before class. I'm too nervous to spend that time eating lunch.
why colleges are composed of retards,