We had Thanksgiving, and it was good, except my gramma's completely nasty cranberry stuff. She put way too much orange peel in it, and it tasted like gross.
Then yesterday Angie and Mitch's parents and Mitch and Vivian all came over, and we watched several supremely bad horror movies and one really scary horror flick. The bad ones: Werewolf versus Vampire Woman (lesbian vampires, OMG!), The Brain/Head that Wouldn't Die (The title screen says "Brain", but the end credits say "Head," lol), The House on Haunted Hill (Creepy Vincent Price!). The good one: Trilogy of Terror. I wasn't expecting it to be as scary as it actually was, but Oh. My. God. The first two were kind of lame, they had that creepy twist-at-the-end going for them but otherwise... lame. But THE LAST ONE. CREEPY PYGMIE DOLL THING. And at the end she has crazy pygmie teeth and she's stabbing with the knife and going to pop out of the TV and kill me ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.
I have a new fic journal where I'll be putting all my fanfiction and fanart from now on, at
f_silversand. So if anyone has this journal friended exclusively for fic (highly unlikely, but you never know), you might want to friend that one instead. Conversely, if anyone on my RL f-list really wants to read my fic (also highly unlikely, but you never know), that's where it will all be from now on.
So this journal is now delegated to RL blather and original fiction :)