NaNo around the corner...

Oct 27, 2011 11:58

I don't know if I'll do it again this year.

Last year, the only reason I managed to finish was because I took an idea that I'd been meaning to develop for a good long time and finally sat down to make myself write it. This year, I don't have anything on the table that I'm reasonably interested in, and my NaNo novel from last year still isn't finished per se. I mean, the plot is completely written out on the page but I discovered a burning need to add about five chapters into the middle shortly after I finished the book.

I mean, I put my main character on a secret moon colony and then completely skipped the secret moon colony. I can just picture future readers screaming "Y U DO DIS" in utter despair.

There is another novel I've been meaning to overhaul and completely rewrite, but I think if I do NaNo at all it'll be trying to crank 50,000 words out on Spellsong, so that I can finally finish it and get started on the next book in the trilogy. I am literally a chapter or two from the end when everything starts coming together, but I'm again struck with a burning need to slot one or two chapters into the earlier part of the book. I skipped five years that I'm not sure I should skip. But the scope of Spellsong is already huge and I'm not sure how going through ten years in one book will end up coming across to the audience.

Also around the corner is Halloween. I don't have a costume, I don't know what I even want to be for Halloween, I don't have any parties lined up and I generally feel lame about the whole thing. I have a wedding to go to on Halloween itself and I'm shaky on the dress code so I've been putting off costume shopping. Go procrastination!

In other news, I'm part-time at my job now, with makes me less likely to strangle random people in the street. Woot.

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