Asked for an extension on one paper, got an unasked for but welcome extension on another paper, so now I'm less with the ripping my hair out and more with the dragging myself to the end of the semester by my fingernails.
I'm sitting at 30k right now, and the last 20k is a very intimidating figure looming over my head... mostly because this book ends with a punch to the gut and I want to make sure it's punch-y and not OH GOD I HAVE 5k WORDS LEFT JUST THROW SOME SHIT IN.
Not that I think I'll really have that problem. There's a lot that has to happen before the book can end that just can't happen in the next chapter.
Remember how I said I'd be splitting my NaNo between three novels? Yeah, about that. I'm not going to lie, it feels really, really good to be able to spit out even this many words in the same novel. Previous Nanos had me failing after about 5k, so even if I don't make 50k by the 30th, I'll still be happy with the accomplishment I have.
I'm starting to get very nervous about Freshman Workshop. My budget is not anywhere near where I need to to be. I have $100 for the whole show. I've barely done any shopping. AHHHHHHHHH.
It'll be okay. Breathe. I can do this.
In other words I dropped
clairbourn, which needed to happen since I haven't been active all semester, either as a player or a mod. I also submitted my app to
queenofheartsrp because everyone needs more lesbians.
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