Nothing important has happened besides the fact that Luke came to visit for about half a week. We went to the city three times - once to pick up and drop off a friend in Harlem and once to actually go out. We walked up and down the east river and found the Seaport Museum, which was really cool even in the dark because we got to admire the huge, four-masted ship they have docked there. Ahhhhhh I love sailing ships THEY ARE SO AWESOME.
Luke has this dream where he wants to sail around the world, and he's asked me a couple times if I would come with him. It's easy to say yes in the moment, because sailing around the world would be twelve kinds of amazing, but the fact remains that I have dreams for after graduation too.
I haven't really told anyone besides Luke what I plan on doing, but here it is - after I graduate, I'm going to sign up for Teach for America. I'm going to put all of their regions into a hat, shake it up, and draw four. The fifth region will be a Texas region. Then I'll see where they put me.
Or at least, I thought that's what I wanted to do after graduation. When I was younger I promised myself that I wasn't going to compromise my dreams for anyone - but that's before I met Luke. Now, thinking about leaving him to pursue my life on my own makes my heart ache. But he can't come with me because he has a child who will only be four by the time I graduate.
I don't know anymore, y'all. It's freaking me out. I was comfortable because I thought I knew what my life was going to be and now I'm just... lost.
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