Tech for Steel Magnolias officially started today, and so far I have never - never - had a more stressful tech process. Not even for Alice in Wonderland, and mom and I pulled an all-nighter getting those costumes done before final dress. No, this is even worse.
First of all, apparently my body decided that I didn't have enough stress and moodiness in my life already, because my period came today. So now not only am I stressed out because tech rehearsal is FRIDAY and we open on TUESDAY, but now I'm stressed out, bitchy, moody, in pain and constantly exhausted. For half the day I either felt like I was going to burst into tears, start yelling at the nearest person or pass out from sheer tiredness. I managed to hold it together pretty admirably I think since the only person I snapped at was Sarah (my Scenic professor and the scenic designer for the show), and she's been getting on my nerves for a couple days now. I didn't even snap at her very much.
But the other thing that's totally making me flip my wig around is that Sarah apparently DOES NOT KNOW HOW to make sacrifices. When a show is less than a week from opening, it's time to start going down the list and cutting some shit out. Sarah is adding shit, and my list is getting to be really long :|
At this point I'm going to just tell her that I'll add it to my list, and if it doesn't get done, it wasn't a priority. I'm not going to kill myself trying to do everything that her happy little artistic brain comes up with.
I think the major disconnect is the way we approach a show. I approach a show practically - I make up a list of things that must be done, then I come up with how they can be done, and only then do I start thinking about fluffy bits I want. Sarah starts out with a vision, and everything else has to fit her vision. Gah. She's an artist, and I love artists, they're brilliant. But sometimes she needs to be practical. Now is one of those times.
I can only hope I do well. I think I will, just because I'm prioritizing. If she doesn't get her cardboard Baby Jesuses on a string, she's just going to have to get over it.
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