Even though I made food yesterday, there was fish in the fridge that might go bad. So I baked it up with lemon! I think I'll make some couscous and a bag of frozen broccoli later and make some more meals!
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v88/Faranim/Random/Cooking/2007-03/2007_03_21_Fish.jpg Also, I'm going to try to "taper" my carbs better. Lots of carbs in morning/afternoon but fewer for dinner. This should help give me energy for the whole day but won't result in extra carbs by the time I go to sleep. I think a lot of the fat I gained in college came from those late-night ramen immediately before going to sleep. Carbs are so good, yet also evil :(
Oh, and sorry for all the non-FFXI stuff. My RL has taken priority and I really don't have much time to even login at all. I should be on this Thursday, and then randomly over the weekend. I expect things to settle down a lot more after next week, I just went kinda crazy this week finally doing all those things I've been putting off forever (getting more contacts, going to dentist, looking at houses, studying for midterms, etc)