DRK Gear Synopsis and how to Un-Gimp myself

Feb 05, 2007 23:33

Not really sure how to organize this info so let me just list out all the equipment I currently have for each slot (note, add Kraken Club under weapons since I can usually get my hands on one if I need it):

I need to state up front that I rarely ever get to play as DRK, and even rarer use it in EXP. I do not have any other melee experience, so it’s difficult for me to judge whether the gear/macros I’m using are good or bad. I have a feeling that I’m putting too much Accuracy gear into my WS sets which is why my Guillotine Numbers are not as high as most other DRKs. I also think I am missing a LOT of HP gear for my Kraken Set… 1400 total HP is not that high from what I’ve seen other players reach.

OK! So next let’s look at my current gear sets. Note that when listing stats, I’m not adding the boosts from Stats/Skills… I’m just adding up the numbers on the equipment:

TP Gear:

Haste +15%
Acc +38
Attack +46
Scythe Skill +5
Store TP +6

WS Gear (Guillotine, Cross Reaper)

Acc +54
Attack +46
Store TP +6

Great Sword
TP Gear:

(Only difference from Scythe is Prudence Torque instead of Peacock Charm)
Haste +15%
Acc +28
Attack +49 (includes the +3 on Algol)
Great Sword Skill +7
Store TP +6

Non-SA WS Gear (Spin Slash, Ground Strike)

(Snow Gorget doesn’t work for Spin Slash, guess I should keep Torque there or get a Breeze/Thunder Gorget)
Acc +54
Attack +49 (includes the +3 on Algol)
Store TP +6

SA WS Gear (Spin Slash, Ground Strike)

Acc +19 (Mob turns a lot, or sometimes I just use the SA Gear set when I’m not DRK/THF)
Attack +32 (includes the +3 on Algol)
Store TP +6

Kraken Gear:

HP 1403 + Food
Haste +6%
Acc +42
Attack +36
Club Skill +7

Stun Gear (This equips as much Dark Magic and Haste as possible in non-blinking equipment slots). Since I usually stun in TP gear, that’s what this SS shows:

Haste +15%
Dark Magic Skill +15 (284 Total)
Magic Accuracy +7

Dark Magic Gear (Drain, Aspir, Abs-TP. Abs-Stat is identical except Black Legs are used instead of Abyss Flanchard since it enhances the Absorb Duration… not like I ever cast those Absorb Spells in normal situation anyyway)

Haste +7%
Dark Magic Skill +35 (304 Total) [+30 and 299 Total for Abs-Stat]
Magic Accuracy +7

Improvement Areas

Now, I have some money to spend on buying new gear. But I’m really not sure what are the most important things to upgrade. Price is definitely a factor, I’m not gonna pay 1 mil for an extra +1 STR or something stupid like that. I’m looking to spend around 3-4 Mil tops on upgrading my DRK gear.

For starters, I need some sort of Foot gear to WS in. I’ve been trying to get Hume RSE2 (STR/DEX +3 and HP+60) but whenever they’re on the AH it’s overpriced. I also need another Earring to use with Great Sword (Abyssal Earring is useless here). Fire Bomblet would be nice but too expensive D:

For Kraken HP Gear, I have no clue where to start. I don’t have a schedule that allows me to camp Bloodbead Ring. I don’t really know what other slots have good HP alternatives. Hume RSE2 Feet + Gigant Mantle + another Pidgeon Earring would bring me up to 1550. Then we start talking about stuff like Scorp Harness and Dusk Gear for big bucks and minor HP increases

Anyway, It’s late but I want to get this posted. I really do enjoy playing DRK a lot, but I can’t stand feeling gimp comparing myself to other DRKs I know. It probably doesn’t help that I usually merit as DRK in parties with Ruke and Ice which is just hopeless for my gear and melee experience.

I was also going to post about my Macro Setup and Layout... but no time right now. I think I need to re-arrange my macros because putting all my Gear Swap + WS Macros on the Alt+6-0 range is slower than if I put them near Alt+1.
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