Trading Cards
Spork King Edition
faramirtook User Number: 489663
Date Created:2002-03-08
Number of Posts: 64
Son of Pippin and Diamond, at the age of fifteen he left the shire with Treebeard in search of adventure. Made friends with Chomsky, got a job as bartender at Isildur's Secret, was hired as Ungoliant's Secretary. During that time he also took up drinking, and made friends with the wizard Radagast, who started forging Sporks of Power in Bag End. It was on one of his famous Tequila Binges that young Faramir founded the great nation of Sporkdor.
Strengths: Rules a small but somewhat interesting nation, Wields a powerful magic Silver Spork
Weaknesses: Alcohol, Goldilocks Gamgee, Alcohol, Merry Gamgee, Alcohol, Holfast Holfast Holfast, Alcohol. He also writes really really bad poetry.
Special Skills: Seeing Ghosts, Resurrecting the dead, Making things out of thin air, Reciting poems by Yeats.
Weapons: The One Spork
Best Friends: Chomsky, Mer, Goldie, Nienor, Mike, Caranthir, Treebeard, FARAMIR!!!
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