May 24, 2006 13:19
The One That Got Away
Looking over the campfire, Faramir regarded his visitor with a touch of amusement. “The one that got away?” he asked. He pondered the question for a moment, obviously thinking about what he should say. A wry quirk to the corner of his mouth, and then he began.
“I was on patrol, here in Ithilien, still a raw young thing with a captain who knew I needed training. He gave me my orders: I was not to return to the sanctuary of camp until I had procured what he instructed. The list was long: various herbs needed for healing, berries in three kinds from bushes that would be hard to find, roots that must be dug out of bare rock, and a brace of rabbits sufficient to feed five men.” He smiled openly now, thinking back to the man who gave him the directions.
“I set out at dawn, and rapidly found the roots, then the herbs, although the berries took much longer. In between these tasks, I laid traps to capture enough conies that my work should soon be done. Over the next three days, I waited for the traps to spring, and I managed to catch four young bucks, though the stronger traps were still being triggered but capturing nothing. It was odd that they could not catch their prey.”
“I reset all the traps, and waited next to the one that had already been sprung twice, to learn what was wrong. I had not long to wait. A large buck rabbit, easily the largest I have ever seen, practically dismantled the snare with his teeth-he was too smart to step into the rings and be hoisted aloft like a sack of potatoes.” Faramir laughed at the memory, still clear in his mind after so many years.
“From my perch in the tree, I could see him look with disdain upon my efforts, and flounce away into the underbrush. He must have been-“ and Faramir held his hands up, indicating a rabbit practically the size of his forearm-“this big. But he was too wily for me to catch. In the end, I had to get the rest of my brace from the other traps.”
He paused, then added, “I sometimes think that he is out there still, waiting for a smarter trapper than myself to trip him up. He will make a fine meal to whomever catches him, that much is certain.”