20 Dec (2012)--
Kerai comes to see Faramir at the library because she needs books to learn to cook healthy food. She's considering pregnancy, that's why. Faramir is totally thrilled and knows she'll be great at it. She and Chuck have a relationship that he never could have given her--it is better for them to be family.
I did not see any Faramir tags in here, but he met Penny at the New Year's party, so I have no idea what's going on. There is no post for a holiday party in the archive--it must have somehow been deleted. I know that he saw that she was alone and couldn't believe it. They ended up speaking and made plans to cook together some Thai food--he could find cookbooks since he worked at the library.
Edit: Holiday ball thread posted on 14 December.
9 Jan (2013)--First real date with
Penny. Their together venture to cook Thai food at home was successful. The changing restaurant becomes an upscale steakhouse named Mooo. Faramir is dubious of this, but they have a good dinner and conversation. During dinner, Faramir asks if he can kiss her goodnight. Yes, and actually they end up making a little smoochfest on her couch. Just smooches though.
25 Jan--It's scary fog plot and Faramir tries to use his messenger to contact his team. He can't, and remembers Kerai during the zombie plot. He goes and
finds her in panic mode at the Ribbon. Faramir helps her and thump-dog Jude through the dark back to the hotel. He can't help her Weave, but he can keep the physical things away.
2 Feb--Meets
Illyria, god-king of the primordium on the roof of the hotel. He agrees to call her Lord Illyria as she prefers, as he did not know proper title for a god-king. His politeness goes a long way and he is sympathetic to her loss of kingdom and how diminished she is. Humans were made for one thing, and he understands that, also that greater beings will feel frustrated not to have or be able to use their power.
16 Feb--Another date, this one in
Penny's room. Sushi rolls and shrimp lo mein. He notes her taste in exotic foods and they talk about travel--where she'd go if given the chance. He asks about driving a car and mentions Eohir. She used to ride, so they plan to do that in the future. They are back on the couch with the smoochfest. Faramir is not ready for more--he does not want Penny to regret being with him.
22 Feb--Meets Queen
Cora Mills, ruler of Wonderland. She's new and not liking the village. He helps her with the message device and mentions that there are other royals present in the village.
9 March--Kerai tells Faramir that
she's pregnant. The hug is epic. Kerai also says that the most important person in a Nurail child's life (after parents) is the mother's older brother, if there is one. He says he already feels like that's what he is and will be honoured to be in Nora's life. (They already know thanks to the village that it's going to be Nora.)
10 March--First flag seminar with
Sheldon Cooper. (Entire) (Faramir's post is first but just a reaction due to my leaving for New Orleans.)
22 March--At the library,
Don Quixote is loud and confusing. He's also looking for a job. Faramir is willing to give it a go. He also knows about dragons, although Don Quixote probably doesn't believe in the sort of dragon Faramir has (cough) met.
25 March--On the hotel roof,
Drusilla is dancing barefoot. Faramir gets an odd feeling from her, but she is crazy. The crazy keeps him from figuring out for a while that she's a vampire. Ends up leaving her on her own, and she's okay with that.