1 May--Sees
Regulus Black in the hotel lobby. There's the odd moment of explanation because it's not the same Regulus that Faramir met before. Inevitable questions of how. Regulus wants to know what he was like there, and Sirius. Faramir knows a bit about the wizard world and both explain they died (Regulus in greater detail.) Regulus has already heard of Faramir (and Boromir) from Shasta and Bree, and short talk of Sophie moves to Middle Earth customs and Regulus wants a story (and explanation of Eldar, wizard-Maiar, and stuff.) Condensed 20-odd pages of Silmarillion into first half of the story of fall of Numenor/last Alliance of Men and Elves.
6 May--Visits
Boromir in the stables. Boromir's homesick and Faramir helps out with stable work--more since Calum's gone. Boromir's talked to Polgara about the wedding and asks Faramir to stand with him--Faramir accepts (duh.) Much talk of home--missing it and various brotherly stuff.
7 May--Very long conversation with
Sophie about varied topics, including kid!plot and some quite personal, and Faramir finally gets a clue and asks her to dinner. She accepts--he will call soon.
8 May--Having just arrived,
Rizzo's car dies and Rizzo herself passes out. Rescue ranger has a go. (Unfinished.)
14 May--Faramir's first day at the library.
Richard wants to know how it's going. Faramir's working with the computer.
Laura Roslin, who is doing more than okay, is seeking reading material.
Regulus has overdue books (for shame!) even if they're only a day late. He can get more, and Faramir seeks out The Stand and the Silmarillion, disguised as history of Gondor, while Regulus gets cookbook. They talk too much before Faramir realises he's supposed to be working. (Hey, he was helping someone...)
Livia, the uber-dry, seeks out Virginia Woolf, who Faramir doesn't know if that's writer or subject. Meets
Hrothbert, aka Bob in the stacks and wonders how he came in without Faramir seeing. Oh, ghost, right. Long discussion of many things, including being a ghost vs. being dead in the village and history. They plan to speak again, likely at the library, but Faramir needs to return to work. And finally Faramir sees
Dr. Koscuisko, who is not the same man that killed him on the island. Still, it is stressful and the doctor knows that Faramir recognises him somehow. That's a job for his security to deal with.
22 May--After more than a year and a half away,
Faramir returns to Middle Earth. Boromir comes to the room after working to find the bathroom empty with the light on and all of Faramir's things from Gondor gone. He seeks out Calum and they proceed to get drunk.